Elodie Fabbri

In accordance with the provisions of French Law n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, visitors of the elodiefabbri.com site are informed of the identity of the various participants in the context of its creation and monitoring.

The elodiefabbri.com site is published by Elodie Fabbri, a freelance 'Artiste-Auteur', whose head office is located at 20 Passage Saint-Sébastien 75011 Paris, registered with the following protocol: NAF 9003A / SIRET 833 118 854 00037 / MDA F729015 / VAT NUMBER FR60 833118854

Contact: hello@elodiefabbri.com

Development: Anna Erdelen

Domain Name: OVH

Hosting: Netflify

Video hosting: Mux

Typographies: Cerebri & IBM Plex Sans