I was commissioned by International Magic to assist with the art direction and design of the Maison Margiela E-commerce website.

Our goal was to translate the essence of the physical store and garments into the digital experience. As an example, we chose to switch the logo to the iconic Stitches upon scrolling, metaphorically representing the garment's label, creating a minimal yet functional interface.

One of the challenges we faced was hosting the MM6 line on the same platform. To ensure a smooth transition, we mirrored the layouts of both lines. For Maison Margiela, we used small details such as a serif font and bold and dynamic e-commerce iconography directed by Nick Knight. On the other hand, for MM6, we opted for a monospaced font and minimal e-commerce iconography, reflecting the uniqueness of the line.

As part of the team, my role was to audit the brand's digital visual language, provide information architecture, create wireframes and layouts for the website and newsletters, and provide art direction and guidelines for the MM6 E-commerce photography.

I want to thank the amazing team at International Magic (Design Direction and Production) and Show Studio (Creative Direction), as well as the team at Maison Margiela, Johannes Bauer, Sherryla, Lise Helene Kramer, and Merle Gerhardy (MM6 E-comm guideline shoot).

To know more about the project, go to Maison Margiela’s post, a Show Studio Reel, and an article on Vogue.

Shop online at: maisonmargiela.com